• Developed portfolio website utilising webflow tools
• Designed multiple versions and considered many different layouts to optimise ease of use while offering maximum functionality
• Made careful design choices that would suit all platforms and devices such as big buttons so users can easily navigate when using mobile devices
• Implemented different animation styles for a visually appealing user interface including light/dark modes
• Learned about how websites are hosted and custom domains work
• Spent two weeks on site working on creating a graphical user interface for a driver board
• Developed using C# and WinForms to build an open-source printing software with visual feedback making it user-friendly
• Tested drop-watching and image printing using printer hardware which was successful
• Available to download and install via GitHub or a Guided Windows Installer
• Used C++ to develop an application using QT for the Graphical User Interface and VTK for the 3D rendering of the model and enabling the option to view the model in a Virtual Reality environment
• Generated portable installer using CMake which is compatible with Windows and Mac
• Used GitHub for version control and for merging group code
• Utilised GitHub pages for hosting and automating Doxygen documentation.
• Designed and Constructed a Computer Vision Guided Vehicle
• Programmed using Arduino, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Microcontrollers
• Coded using C++ with OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi for real-time processing of road-signs and line-following using Pi-Camera
• Raspberry Pi also used for Node RED to output real-time statistics of the vehicle and its surroundings- ESP32 Microcontoller used for PWM Motor Control- Arduino Microcontroller used for Line-Following using IR Sensors